Web Design
Greg has designed and developed websites on multiple platforms such as Wordpress and Squarespace; combining his photo manipulation, HTML/CSS editing, and content creation skills to create spectacular websites for his clients.

Lynchburg Junk Removal
A very simple local service-based website for a junk removal company.

Khalili™ Cream Website Re-Design
This is a prototype redesign of the Khalili™ Cream website, focusing on creating a modern look while maintaining attention-grabbing elements and tropical undertones to balance the flatness of the design.
This project demonstrates Greg’s Photoshop/Illustrator, Smart Object, design, and copywriting abilities.

The Homepage
The main goal was to create a homepage that gave users a single-page option to both learn about and purchase Khalili™ Cream. Greg added 3D models of the tubes as a design element and to give the users a sense of scale of them. Testimonials, attention-grabbing blog posts, and a simple purchase option at the bottom to increase clickthrough rate (CTR) are some of the aspects that make this homepage great.

The Khalili™ Story
With a labor of love product such as Khalili™ Cream, the last thing you want to do is present your users with a wall of text to read.
Instead, Greg chose to break up the pre-existing wall of text into more manageable sections, creating a sense of storyline progression and choosing color palettes to keep the eye interested.

Contact Page
A contact form with a dominating color background, some social links, and a large map showing the business location tie together this simple yet responsive website.